hist, puss! i said nothing against the d, for i like him。 and when i say queer, it’s not crazy i’m meaning。 he’s not queer like the calverts who’d gamble everything they have on a horse, or the tarletons who turn out a drunkard or two in every litter, or the fontaines who are hot-headed little brutes and after murdering a man for a fancied slight。 that kind of queerness is easy to understand, for sure, and but for the grace of god gerald o’hara would be having all those faults! and i don’t mean that ashley would run off with another woman, if you were his wife, or beat you。 you’d be happier if he did, for at least you’d be understanding that。 but he’s queer in other ways, and there’s no understanding him at all。 i like him, but it’s neither heads nor tails i can make of most he says。 now, puss, tell me true, do you understand his folderol about books and poetry and music and oil paintings and such foolishness?”黄佳的声音也是极为的动听,听到这个声音都是会让一些男生想入非非。“ok,你们快翻译吧。”这下难度一下加大不少,这可是听力了,而且还是世界名著中的一段,根本就不是他们这个阶段能翻译的出来的,生词太多,语速太快。 王炮直接是愣在了哪里,手上一个字都没写,而洪宇正好相反,正在奋笔疾书,他的手几乎是和黄佳的声音同时停止的。