> Nor rays of promise cheats the pensive glo-om. (无惧缺乏阳光滋润) A darkling fire, faint h o'er a tomb, (渐暗的火焰,微弱彷徨于墓地之周) That but itself and darkness nought doth s-how, (除了爱与黑暗,都对它无能为力) It is my love's being yet it ot die, (我的爱至今不死) Nor will it ge, though all be ged b-eside; (纵使周遭具变,它不会变) Though fairest beauty be no longer fair, (纵使最美的不再美丽) Though vows be false, and faith itself deny, (纵使誓言自我背叛,信念自我否定) Though sharp enjoyment be a suicide, (纵使强烈的欢愉是自杀) And hope a spectre in a ruin bare. (纵使希望是废墟中的幽灵) 她躺倒在床上,翻了几下身,内心依旧无法宁静。 完了。她好想,吻他那颗痣啊。 ???????????? ①哈特利·柯勒律治(Hartley Ce)十四行诗第7首(So VII)。在李安影版的《理智与情感》中,妹妹Marianne念过。前半首翻译取自字幕,后半首是我瞎翻的,粗糙看看。